Who Were You In A Past Life? | Past Life Reading | Psychic Source
Date 3/10/2025
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Past Life

Many spiritual paths believe that we do not live but one life on this earth, and instead go through this mortal journey many times, passing our souls and life lessons from one body to another. Your relationships, habits, and fears offer insights into your soul’s journey, and help you to understand if this is your first life on this planet or whether you're an old soul with a wealth of previous experiences. Answer these questions for a look at what your past lives may have contained.
Question 1 of 10
What tastes give you a sense of nostalgia?
Question 2 of 10
What environments do you feel drawn to?
(Select one or more)
Question 3 of 10
Which best describes your recurring dreams?
Question 4 of 10
Which elements are you most drawn toward?
Question 5 of 10
Which issue has been a pattern in your life for as long as you can remember?
Question 6 of 10
Do you excel at any skills despite having minimal training?
Question 7 of 10
Do you have any strong irrational fears?
(Select one or more)
Question 8 of 10
Do your meditations typically take you to a common place?
Question 9 of 10
Do you feel inexplicably drawn to other people?
Question 10 of 10
What experiences create a sense of déjà vu?
You are
a new
Your past lives are likely fairly recent. You're more likely to have specific memories from these, than to retain more vague, deep-seated habits that would have accumulated over a greater number of lifetimes.
In the past life that's most accessible to you, you likely
(lived in a rural setting/enjoyed a coastal home/lived in a well-established society/were a nomad/traveled often).
Your home was probably
(located near Asia/close to the ocean/near forests or farms/in a thriving town, perhaps on the European continent).
You're drawn toward elements from
(prehistory/the medieval era/the era of exploration/the industrial era/the modern era),
so you may have had major life experiences during this time that are still creating a residual impact on your life today. Though your job title would have changed dramatically with the times, your past experiences were associated with someone
(who was often on the road/who had a social role in their society/who worked in the home, perhaps as a mother/who was in a position of leadership/who saw a lot of conflict/who suffered injustice or persecution.)
(The types of people you're drawn to offer another clue. You tend to draw one kind of person. If you attract students, perhaps you were a teacher or sage. If you draw the sick, you may have been a healer. If you feel your strongest connection to the natural world and animals, you may have been a shaman, priestess or witch)
It's important to understand which feelings or habits have carried over from a past life, rather than from any kind of logical reasoning in your current life. Some of your current issues suggest that you may have
(been harmed by your actions in the past/not finished mourning for a loved one or other loss/lived an unbalanced life/struggled with a lack of self-worth)
before. You may have also
(been discriminated against/suffered major losses/been betrayed/lived a short, incomplete life/suffered persecution).
Recognizing irrational thoughts or actions for what they are, you can often release yourself from unnecessary stressors and focus on the appropriate activities to better balance your life as it is now.
You may get valuable insights for achieving this balance from an experienced medium or psychic who can help you connect with your past lives.
Who Were You in a Past Life?
Many spiritual paths believe that we do not live but one life on this earth, and instead go through this mortal journey many times, passing our souls and life lessons from one body to another. Your relationships, habits, and fears offer insights into your soul’s journey and help you to understand if this is your first life on this planet or whether you're an old soul with a wealth of previous experiences.
A Past Life Reading is a Window to Your Soul
From past lives quizzes to past life regression, there are many ways to explore the mystery of our soul’s journey through time and space. One of the best ways for how to tell who you were in a past life is to connect with a Psychic Source Advisor skilled in past life interpretation. In contrast to a past life regression, a past life psychic reading is a less intense way to explore how past life experiences may impact your life today. Past life psychic readings are different from a past life regression. You don’t need to be hypnotized, but your Advisor may ask you to enter a meditative state while he or she takes a journey into your past and conveys to you what he or she discovers.
How Can I Use Information from a Past Life Reading?
While it’s fun to imagine yourself a Medieval nobleman or Egyptian princess, the value of uncovering past life information is not so much in imagining romantic notions to explain feelings of deja vu, but rather it is in discovery of the life lessons and karma you carry at a soul level. Understanding your soul’s journey puts context around your most difficult challenges in this lifetime, and helps you master lessons that you’d rather not revisit in this life or the next. Speak to a past life interpreter at Psychic Source to gain clarity and closure, to face the future with a clean slate.