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Reflecting on Your Spiritual Journey: Questions To Ask Yourself

Date 9/23/2024
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Find a journal and a quiet place to begin reflecting on your spiritual journey.

Find a journal and a quiet place to begin reflecting on your spiritual journey.

Self-reflection supports self-improvement and growth on your spiritual journey. In today's uber-connected, tech-centered world, it's easy to get caught in the web of social media and the outward representation of your journey. From scrolling through meditative posts to crafting your own artsy yoga photos, there are endless ways to indulge in your spiritual journey socially. 

However, the greatest progress often comes when you put away your devices and take an inward journey instead. Tackling reflective questions in a purposeful way can help you maintain forward momentum and meaningful growth on your spiritual path.

The Benefits of Self-Reflection on Your Spiritual Journey

There's a lot to be gained with some mindful introspection about your spiritual state. Purposeful self-reflection can help you:

  • Increase self-awareness.
  • Improve decision-making skills.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Enhance problem-solving abilities.
  • Cultivate greater personal accountability.
  • Boost self-confidence.

Woman on a journey

Techniques for Self-Reflection

The right time, place, and framework is important when you're contemplating deep spiritual questions. Consider these approaches to your spiritual journey.

Spiritual Journaling

Spiritual journaling gives you a safe space to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. Recording your thoughts on paper can yield some surprising insights, as your hands take over your stream of consciousness and allow some of your deeper and more repressed feelings and beliefs to surface. A journal is also a great tool for self-reflection. If you're new to journaling, don't feel confined by a particular format. You can use lists, mind maps, sketches, or quotes. There's no right or wrong way to build your spiritual journal, so do what feels best.


Meditation creates a quiet space where you can mindfully experience your thoughts and feelings. Through the practice of emptying your mind and focusing on the present moment, you can build a greater awareness of the here and now. Give yourself the peace to fully experience this moment in time. As you master the technique of being fully present, you'll create the optimal headspace for contemplating deep questions about your spiritual journey.


Earthing is the practice of walking barefoot on natural terrain. Taking a meditative walk or hike is a great way to engage your body while allowing your mind to roam over spiritual questions. Doing so barefoot takes the process a step further. This allows you to ground and center yourself and connect to nature in a powerful way, creating the ideal environment for contemplating the finer points of spirituality.

Pensive young woman

Questions for Self-Reflection

The complexities of your spiritual journey are so vast that it's difficult to evaluate this part of your life without a solid starting point for self-reflection. Consider the following questions as jumping-off points to help you dive deeper into your spiritual experience. 

What Are My Spiritual Beliefs and Why?

What does spirituality mean to you? Is it defined by a religious practice, family heritage, connection to nature, or personal experiences? You may identify with some, all, or none of these approaches to spirituality. This is a deeply personal question that looks different to everyone. Give yourself an open, judgment-free zone to identify your spiritual beliefs and their origins.

If you're struggling to identify any spiritual connections or experiences in your life, reframe this question as an exploration of your values. What code of ethics do you live your life by, and where did this come from? An ethos of forgiveness, service, compassion, honesty, or open-mindedness is a form of spirituality even if you don't receive these values from a higher power.

How Does Spirituality Manifest in My Daily Life?

How does your spirituality impact the way you perceive and react to things? Whether we realize it or not, most of us view life through a particular lens that colors our interpretation of events. If you have a strong spiritual connection, you'll likely view your life within that framework. For example, if you believe in signs and messages from other realms, you might view a cardinal on the windowsill as a visit from a deceased loved one, while someone else may only see the flashy feathers of a beautiful bird. Consider how your spirituality impacts your view of the world.

What Is My Purpose?

Describe your purpose in life in a single sentence. If you can't, this is a good place to focus your meditations. Identifying your place and purpose in the grand scheme of things is key to mapping your spiritual journey. If you're feeling lost in this area, start by listing your talents, skills, and passions. Identify what you're good at and how you can use it to affect the kind of change you want to see in the world. You'll find your purpose in the place where your abilities and interests align.

What Are My Barriers to Inner Peace?

If you're not aligned with your highest self, what's stopping you? This is usually something like jealousy, anger, insecurity, or fear. Identify the barriers that are keeping you from becoming your best self and attack them with a vengeance so you can move forward on your spiritual journey.

What Rituals and Routines Support My Spiritual Journey?

What can you do every day to stay aligned with your values and promote forward movement on your journey? This can include anything from deep spiritual journaling to a quick morning prayer. Identify two or three routines that will keep you aligned with your path.

Taking the time to tackle the hard questions on your spiritual journey will help you honestly reflect on where you are, where you're going, and the best way to get there. Don't overlook the importance of self-reflection, spiritual journaling, and purposeful meditation. These check-ins will keep you on the right path forward. For personalized guidance on your journey, connect with one of our psychics.

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