The ever-changing Moon, the emotional mechanism of response, is the swiftest moving luminary in the Zodiac. It manages to connect with most of the outer planets as it completes all twelve signs in its 28-day cycle. Lunar transits are fleeting, and people seldom take notice of them. We don’t imagine short-lived lunar activity will make a significant change in our way of thinking, yet these brief transits trigger larger events indicated by the outer planet moving.
In Astrology, the Moon is used to predict the timing, as well as choosing the best time to do something such as travel, propose a change, or start a business.
The Timing of the Moon Phases
After the Moon has made its last significant aspect before changing signs, the Void of Course (VOC) phase begins. VOC Moon is not a time for starting something new. However, it is an excellent time to clear away excess; clean out the closet, get organized. Edit, refine, make lists. As for socializing - keep it comfortable with friends and family. Get some R&R when the Moon VOC; your slumber should be undisturbed.
Waning Moon
The Waning (decreasing) Moon is a time of reflection and contemplation; we use this phase to prepare for New Moon by clearing our minds of all negative associations with the past. The Waxing Moon (increasing) is a time receive answers and to welcome the harvest of what we have sown.
New Moon
The New Moon is the perfect time to start new things for the New Moon phase represents new beginnings supported through the energy of the corresponding sign. For it is when the Moon connects with the Sun that we can set our intentions. We can focus our thoughts on the change we want to create. New Moons are a great time to set intentions; our words transfer energy into form, and our emotions lead us to demonstration mode. Make a physical validation of your plan by writing it down. Focus with the New Moon energy, surround yourself with joy and light, keeping your thoughts clear and definite as your state your affirmations.
Waxing Moon
When the Moon waxes toward Full, the energy can feel like a reckoning, for this is a time of time of seeking closure, fulfilling what we began with the most recent New Moon. The Full Moon is a crescendo; the Moon and Sun are in opposite signs and this polarity, now seeking balance, increases tension. Full Moon is a time for leaping forward on the path.
Full Moon
Each full Moon has a distinct intuitive feel, incorporate the essence of the sign when you meditate. Perhaps there's something you want to release; Full Moon is the perfect time to unburden yourself. Psychic Source Advisors can help you create a personal New Moon and Full Moon ceremony - Call us anytime!
Thanks for reading, I'm so glad we're on this journey together!